Administrator Guide

Click Edit Fault Domain to edit the current fault domain.
Click Remove to delete a fault domain.
5 Click Next.
If you are setting up SAS back-end ports, the Congure Back-End Ports page opens.
If you are not setting up SAS back-end ports, the Inherit Settings or Time Settings page opens.
Inherit Settings
Use the Inherit Settings page to copy settings from a Storage Center that is already congured.
You must be connected through a Data Collector.
1 Select the Storage Center from which to copy settings.
2 Place a check next to each setting that you want to inherit, or click Select All to inherit all settings.
3 Click Next.
If you chose to inherit time and SMTP settings from another Storage Center, the Time Settings and SMTP Server Settings pages
are skipped in the wizard.
Congure Time Settings
Congure an NTP server to set the time automatically, or set the time and date manually.
1 From the Region and Time Zone drop-down menus, select the region and time zone used to set the time.
2 Select Use NTP Server and type the host name or IPv4 address of the NTP server, or select Set Current Time and set the time and
date manually.
3 Click Next.
Congure SMTP Server Settings
If you have an SMTP server, congure the SMTP email settings to receive information from the Storage Center about errors, warnings, and
1 By default, the Enable SMTP Email checkbox is selected and enabled. If you do not have an SMTP server you can disable SMTP
email by clearing the Enable SMTP Email checkbox.
2 Alternatively, if you have an SMTP server, congure the SMTP server settings.
a In the Recipient Email Address eld, enter the email address where the information will be sent.
b In the SMTP Mail Server eld, enter the IP address or fully qualied domain name of the SMTP mail server. Click Test Server to
verify connectivity to the SMTP server.
c (Optional) In the Backup SMTP Mail Server eld, enter the IP address or fully qualied domain name of a backup SMTP mail
server. Click Test Server to verify connectivity to the backup SMTP server.
d If the SMTP server requires emails to contain a MAIL FROM address, specify an email address in the Sender Email Address
e (Optional) In the Common Subject Line eld, enter a subject line to use for all emails sent by the Storage Center.
3 Click Next.
Storage Center Deployment