Deployment Guide

a. Select the server.
b. Click Next.
The Volume Summary page is displayed.
7. Click Finish.
Set the Default Storage Profile for New Volumes
The default Storage Profile is used when a new volume is created unless the user selects a different Storage Profile. You can
prevent the Storage Profile from being changed during volume creation by clearing the Allow Storage Profile Selection checkbox.
1. Click the Storage view.
2. In the Storage pane, select a Storage Center.
3. In the Summary tab, click Edit Settings.
The Edit Storage Center Settings dialog box opens.
4. Click the Preferences tab.
5. From the Storage Profile drop-down menu, select the Storage Profile to use as the default for new volumes.
6. To allow users to select a Storage Profile when creating a volume, select the Allow Storage Profile Selection checkbox.
7. Click OK.
Configure Embedded iSCSI Ports
Configure the embedded Ethernet ports on the Storage Center for use as iSCSI ports.
1. If the Flex Port license is installed, configure the fault domain and ports for Flex Port Domain 1.
NOTE: The Flex Port feature allows both Storage Center system management traffic and iSCSI traffic to use the
same physical network ports. However, for environments where the Storage Center system management ports are
mixed with network traffic from other devices, separate the iSCSI traffic from management traffic using VLANs.
a. Enter the target IPv4 address, subnet mask, and gateway for the fault domain.
b. Enter an IPv4 address for each port in the fault domain.
NOTE: Make sure that all the IP addresses for Flex Port Domain 1 are in the same subnet.
2. Configure the fault domain and ports for iSCSI Embedded Domain 2.
a. Enter the target IPv4 address, subnet mask, and gateway for the fault domain.
b. Enter an IPv4 address for each port in the fault domain.
NOTE: Make sure that all the IP addresses for iSCSI Embedded Domain 2 are in the same subnet.
3. Click OK.
Discover and Configure the Storage Center