Reference Guide

replay create {-volumeindex <int> | -deviceid <string> | -serialnumber <string> | -volume
–deviceid string
Species the volume device ID.
–expire integer
Species the number of minutes after which the Replay expires. Specify 0 to indicate no expiration. The default is 0.
–folder string
Species a folder for the volume.
–folderindex integer
Species a folder index for the volume.
Shows help for command options.
–localport string
Sets the world wide name (WWN) of the local port to which the volume is mapped. (Deprecated. The –localport option is ignored if the
Storage Center version is 4.x and is invalid if the Storage Center version is 5.0 or later.)
–lun integer
For the view option only. Species the logical unit number (LUN) to which to map the view volume. If not specied, the rst available
LUN is used.
For the view option only. If the view volume created by the –view option already exists, takes a Replay of the existing view volume before
making the new view volume the active view for the created Replay. Changes to the existing view volume are retained in the Replay for the
existing view volume. If the view volume created by the –view option already exists and you omit the –move option, the command
terminates with an error.
–name string
Species the Replay name. Names that contain spaces must be enclosed in single quotes.
For the –move options only. If the view volume created by the view option already exists, makes the new view volume the active view for
the created Replay without rst taking a Replay of the existing view volume. Changes to the existing view volume are not retained.
Indicates that expired views should be permanently deleted. If omitted, expired views are moved to the recycle bin.
Makes the Replay read only.
Sets the world wide name (WWN) of the remote port to which the volume is mapped.
–serialnumber string
Species the volume serial number. (Available only when running on operating systems that expose serial numbers to the user.)
–server integer
Command Reference