Reference Guide

server create –name string –wwn string,…,string {options}
–folder string
Species a folder for the server. Names that contain spaces must be enclosed in single quotes.
–folderindex integer
Species the server folder index.
Shows help for command options.
–name string
Species the server name. Server names that contain spaces must be enclosed in single quotes.
–notes string
Species optional user notes associated with the server.
–os string
Species the name of the operating system hosted on the server. Names that contain spaces must be enclosed in single quotes.
–osindex integer
Species the index of the operating system hosted on the server.
–WWN string,…,string
Species a globally unique World Wide Name for the requested HBA, or species a list of globally unique World Wide Names delimited by
commas (,).
: Storage Center supports use of WWNs and iSCSI Names. iSCSI names may follow iSCSI Qualied Name (IQN) format,
but they are not required to do so.
Create a server running Windows 2008 by specifying a server name and a single unique HBA name:
server create -name 'server 1' -WWN hba0 -os 'windows 2008'
Create a server running Windows 2008 by specifying a server name and multiple HBA names:
server create -name 'server 1' -WWN 'hba0,hba1,hba2' -os 'windows 2008'
Command Reference