Reference Guide

Species the volume serial number. (Available only when running on operating systems that expose serial numbers to the user.)
–server string
Species the name of the server to which to map the volume or volume view. Names that contain spaces must be enclosed in single
–serverindex integer
Species the index of the server to which to map the volume or volume view.
Indicates that only a single local port can be used for mapping. If omitted, all local ports are used for mapping. (For Storage Center versions
5.0 and earlier, use with the –localport option to specify a single port.)
Mapping a volume and allowing Storage Center CU to assign a controller and LUN:
volume map -name 'volume 1' -server 'server 1'
volume map -deviceid 6000d3100000c90000000000000000cb -server 'server 1'
Mapping a volume to a specic controller:
volume map -name 'volume 1' -server 'server 1' -controller 'leader'
Mapping a volume to a specic controller and LUN:
volume map -name 'volume 1' -server 'server 1' -controller 'leader' -lun 25
Forcing volume mapping:
volume map -name testvol -server 'server 1' -force
Mapping a volume using a single path for the mapping:
volume map -name 'volume 1' -server 'server 1' -singlepath
volume modify
Modies a volume.
volume modify {–deviceid string | –index integer | –name string | –serialnumber string}
–deviceid string
Species the volume device ID. See About Device IDs for information.
–folder string
Command Reference