Users Guide

Deleting NAS Volume Snapshot Schedules
You can display all available snapshot schedules, then select and delete one or more schedules.
1. Select an NFS datastore in inventory.
2. Select ActionsAll Dell Storage ActionsSnapshotDelete Snapshot/Snapshot Schedule.
The Delete Snapshot/Snapshot Schedule wizard starts.
3. On the Delete Snapshot/Snapshot Schedule page, select Snapshot Schedule and click Next.
4. Select a snapshot schedule or multiple schedules from the list of schedules in the table. To select all
snapshot schedules in the list, check the box next to the
Snapshot Schedule Name column heading.
5. Click Next.
A summary screen specifies the schedule or schedules that you selected to delete.
6. Click Finish to delete the schedules.
Next steps
You can also select and delete one or more snapshots. See Deleting NAS Volume Snapshots.
Create and Manage Replications and Live Volumes
The Dell Storage vSphere Web Client Plugin supports two basic models for migrating data between
Storage Centers:
Live Volumes
A replication copies volume data from one Storage Center to another Storage Center to safeguard data. A
Live Volume is a replicating volume that can be mapped and active on a source and destination Storage
Center at the same time.
For information about these concepts, see the Enterprise Manager Administrator’s Guide.
You can use the Dell Storage vSphere Web Client Plugin to add and manage replications and Live
Volumes to VMFS datastores and RDMs on Dell Storage. You can also convert a replication to a Live
Volume and vice versa.
The following sections describe the replica and Live Volume operations:
Replication Operations
Live Volume Operations
Replication Operations
The vSphere Web Client Plugin enables you to add, modify, and remove replications for datastores and
The following sections describe how to create and manage replications:
Creating a Datastore or RDM Replication
Modifying a Datastore or RDM Replication
Removing a Datastore or RDM Replication
Working with Dell Storage