Administrator Guide

Backup Option Description
Create Storage Center
Replay of physical RDMs
For VMware virtual machines only. Select this option to include physical
mode raw device mappings (pRDMs) in the backup.
NOTE: Since vSphere cannot create a VMware snapshot of physical
RDMs, the physical RDM Replays are unlikely to be consistent with the
Replay containing the .vmdk file for the same virtual machine.
NOTE: Windows guest virtual machines that store data for VSS aware
applications (like SQL Server or Exchange) on physical RDMs, or iSCSI
volumes mapped directly to the guest, may fail to create snapshots
when using the VMware Virtual Machines backup extension. This is a
known issue with Windows VSS snapshot integration and VMware
snapshot creation. If a failure occurs, use the vSphere Client to change
the value of the disk.EnableUUID parameter to FALSE. For further
instructions, see:
Backup Type Select from the following:
Run now: Creates a backup set without a schedule and immediately
submits a backup job.
Schedule for later: Creates a backup set and allows you to schedule the
backup for a later time. Click Modify to define a schedule for the backup
Not Scheduled: Creates a backup set without a schedule. This option can
be used to create a placeholder backup set to be configured later.
Related links
Guidelines for Scheduling and Expiring Replays
Creating and Running Backups
This section provides the procedures for creating and scheduling backup sets, and running backup jobs.
Backups can be set to run once, scheduled for recurrence at the frequency specified during backup set
creation, or using the Not Scheduled option, can be created as a place holder for future scheduling.
Related links
Guidelines for Backup Jobs
Create and Run a Backup Now
Follow these instructions to create the backup set and immediately submit the backup job for execution.
Running a backup job outside its normal window will impact a retention policy if the backup set is set to
only keep a certain number of restore points.
1. In the Server Connections area of the navigation pane, connect to a server or host.
2. In the Backup Extensions area of the navigation pane, select a data source.
3. Select components to include in the backup set. Rightclick the name of a server and select Select
All Children to select all components listed for a server. Verify backup selections by viewing the
Component Details.
4. In the Backup area of the action pane, click Create Backup Set. The Create Backup Set dialog box
5. In the User Defined Name field, type in a name or use the name suggested.