Administrator Guide

Use the following table to help troubleshoot issues with Replay Manager.
Problem Solution
Backup set name is
different in Storage
Center than in Replay
Names are truncated to 31 characters in Storage Center. For more
information: User-Defined Name in Summary of Backup Set Options
Connection to RMS fails Configure the HTTP Proxy server using the Bypass proxy server for local
addresses option. For more information: Configure an HTTP Proxy Service
Queue stops accepting
Replay Manager queues a maximum of 10 jobs at a time. Verify that this limit
has not been exceeded by viewing the Queued Items. For more information:
Guidelines for Backup Jobs
View Queued Items
Connection to server
Install the Replay Manager Service on all servers
Open port 27444 on all servers
For more information:
Install Replay Manager Service for Windows
Inboud Ports in Replay Manager Ports
Data disappears after
restoring a Replay
The Restore action restores data to its original location, overwriting the
current data. To avoid losing current data, take a Replay immediately prior to
using Restore or use Expose (rather than Restore) and manually merge the
Exposed data with the existing data. For more information:
Restore Data to Its Original Location
Expose a Restore Point (Windows Extensions Only)
Expose a Restore Point (VMware Only)
Expose a Restore Point on an SMB File Share
Email notifications not
Verify SMTP settings
Adjust spam settings on email server and/or client
Exchange generates
Expected behavior in Exchange 2007 Server if VSS full backup is not selected.
For more information: VSS full backup in Summary of Backup Set Options
Hyper-V/VMware Replay
In a clustered server environment, make sure the VM owner and disk owner
Partial Replays created
(Microsoft and VMware
If components are moved after configuring a backup set, only the
components in the original locations get backed up. To correct, move