Administrator Guide

Table Of Contents
Welcome to the Storage Center
Use the Welcome page to specify a name for the Storage Center and view the End User License Agreement.
1. Type a name for the Storage Center in the Name field.
2. Verify that the service tag or serial number that are displayed on the Welcome page match the Storage Center to initialize.
3. Select the language of the End User License Agreement to view from the drop-down menu, and click Terms of Use to open
the agreement.
4. To authorize the installation of the Storage Center, type the customer name and title in the Approving Customer Name
and Approving Customer Title fields.
NOTE: The Approving Customer Name and Approving Customer Title fields are not displayed for SCv3000 series
storage systems.
5. Click Next.
Configure the Management Network Settings
Use the Management Network page to configure the management network settings for the Storage Center.
1. Select how to configure the management network from the Network Configuration Source drop-down menu.
DHCP IPv4 Only IP addresses are dynamically assigned.
Static IP addresses must be specified manually.
2. If the network configuration source is set to Static, specify the management network settings in the following fields:
Management IPv4 Settings
a. Type the IPv4 management address for the Storage Center in the Virtual Address field.
The IPv4 management address is the IP address that is used to manage the Storage Center and it is different than the
IPv4 management address of the storage controllers.
b. Type a IPv4 management address for each storage controller in the associated fields.
c. Type the IPv4 subnet mask of the management network in the Subnet Mask field.
d. Type the IPv4 gateway address of the management network in the Gateway Address field.
(Optional) Management IPv6 Settings
a. Type the IPv6 management address for the Storage Center in the Virtual Address field.
The IPv6 management address is the IP address that is used to manage the Storage Center and it is different than the
IPv6 management address of the storage controllers.
b. Type a IPv6 management address for each storage controller in the associated fields.
c. Type the IPv6 address prefix in the Prefix field.
d. Type the IPv6 gateway address the Gateway Address field.
Network Settings
a. Type the domain name of the management network in the Domain Name field.
b. Type the DNS server addresses of the management network in the DNS Server and Secondary DNS Server fields.
c. (Optional) Type a secondary DNS server addresses of the management network in the Secondary DNS Server fields.
3. Click Next.
(SC9000 only) Create a Disk Folder
Create a disk folder to manage unassigned disks.
1. Type a name for the disk folder.
2. (Optional) To create a secure disk folder, select the Create as a Secure Data Folder checkbox.
Storage Center Deployment