Administrator Guide

Modifying and Deleting Snapshots
Manage snapshots that were created on demand or by a schedule.
Rename a Snapshot
To rename a snapshot:
1. In the Storage view, select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System view, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the NAS Volume Status panel, click the Snapshots & Clones tab.
5. Select a snapshot and click Edit Settings.
The Edit Snapshot Settings dialog box opens.
6. In the Name field, type a new name for the snapshot.
7. Click OK.
Change the Retention Policy for a Snapshot
Specify whether to retain the snapshot indefinitely or expire the snapshot after a period of time.
1. In the Storage view, select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System view, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the NAS Volume Status panel, click the Snapshots & Clones tab.
5. Select a snapshot and click Edit Settings.
The Edit Snapshot Settings dialog box opens.
6. Specify the retention policy:
To retain the snapshot indefinitely, clear the Snapshot Expiration Enable checkbox.
To expire the snapshot in the future, select the Snapshot Expiration Enable checkbox and specify a day and time on which to
expire the snapshot.
7. Click OK.
Delete a Snapshot
Delete a snapshot if you no longer need the point-in-time copy of the data.
1. In the Storage view, select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System view, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the NAS Volume Status panel, click the Snapshots & Clones tab.
5. Select a snapshot and click Delete.
The Delete dialog box opens.
6. Click OK.
Restoring Data from a Snapshot
You can restore data in two ways:
Restore individual files: After a snapshot is created, the FluidFS cluster creates a client-accessible snapshots directory containing a
copy of the files included in the snapshot. Clients can easily restore individual files from a snapshot using copy and paste, without
storage administrator intervention. This method is useful for the day-to-day restore activities of individual files.
Restore a NAS volume from a snapshot: The storage administrator can restore an entire NAS volume by rolling the state back to
the time of an existing snapshot. This method is useful in the case of an application error or virus attacks.
FluidFS Administration