Administrator Guide

A script can now access this le using the following command:
$pass = ConvertTo-SecureString (Get-Content C:\password.txt)
Using PowerShell Objects
Windows PowerShell cmdlet parameters, including those available with the Dell Storage Center Command Set, accept objects as
arguments. Objects include standard objects such as string and integer objects, as well as Storage Center specic objects.
Store Objects in Variables
Objects can be created and stored in variables. For example, an SCVolume object can be created and stored in a variable using the
Get-SCVolume command:
$myvolume = Get-SCVolume -Name “My Volume”
The SCVolume object can be moved using the following commands:
$myvolume = Get-SCVolume -Name “My Volume”
$newfolder = Get-SCVolumeFolder -Name “My VolumeFolder”
Set-SCVolume -SCVolume $myvolume -ParentSCVolumeFolder $newfolder
Access Object Information
Use the Get-Member command to access object information. The Get-Member command accepts pipeline input from commands
that return objects. For example, the Get-SCVolume command returns an SCVolume object. To view SCVolume object information,
enter the following command:
This command returns a list of methods and properties for the SCVolume object.
Object Descriptions
The following table lists and describes common PowerShell objects as well as Storage Center specic objects.
Table 1. PowerShell and
Storage Center Specic Objects
Object Description
Boolean Represents a true or false value. For true, type 1 or $true. For false, type 0 or $false.
DataVolume Represents a logical volume in Windows.
DateTime Represents dates and times with values ranging from 12:00:00 (midnight), January 1, 0001 AD
(CE) through 11:59:59 p.m. December 31, 9999 AD (CE). Time values are measured in 100-
nanosecond units called ticks.
DiskDeviceObject Represents a disk drive in Windows.
Int32 Represents a 32-bit signed integer. Signed integers can be either positive or negative.
Int64 Represents a 64-bit signed integer. Signed integers can be either positive or negative.
SCAlert Represents a Storage Center alert.
SCAsyncReplication Represents a Storage Center asynchronous replication.
SCCmm Represents a Storage Center copy/mirror/migrate operation.
SCConnection Represents Storage Center connection information.
SCController Represents a Storage Center controller.
SCDisk Represents a Storage Center disk.
SCDiskFolder Represents a Storage Center disk folder.
SCLiveVolume Represents a Storage Center Live Volume.
SCOSType Represents a Storage Center operating system type.
Using the Command Set