Administrator Guide

For a dual-controller Storage Center system, this is the fully qualied host name for the management IP address.
In the LDAP Domain eld, type the LDAP domain to search.
6 (Optional) Click Test Server to verify that the Storage Center can communicate with the specied directory servers using the
selected protocol.
7 (Optional) If Transport Layer Security (TLS) is enabled, upload a Certicate Authority PEM le.
a Click Upload Certicate Authority PEM.
b Browse to the location of the PEM le, select the le, and click Select. The Upload TLS Certicate dialog box opens.
NOTE: If you select the wrong PEM le, click Upload Certicate in the Upload TLS Certicate dialog box to select a
new le.
c Click OK to upload the certicate.
8 Click Next.
The Kerberos Settings page opens.
9 (Optional) Select the Enabled checkbox to enable Kerberos authentication.
10 To change any of the Kerberos settings, clear the Auto-Discover checkbox, and then type a new value into that eld.
Kerberos Domain Realm: Kerberos domain realm to authenticate against. In Windows networks, this is the domain name in
uppercase characters.
KDC Hostname or IP Address: Fully qualied domain name (FQDN) or IP address of the Key Distribution Center (KDC) to which
Storage Center will connect.
Password Renew Rate (Days): Number of days before the keytab is regenerated. The default value is 0, which equates to a
password renew rate of 14 days.
11 Click Next.
The Join Domain page opens.
12 Type the user name and password of a domain administrator.
13 Click Next.
The Summary page opens.
14 If you want to change any setting, click Back to return to the previous page.
15 Click Finish.
16 Click OK.
Congure Directory Services Manually
Use the Directory Service Manual Conguration wizard to enter directory service settings manually. Use manual conguration for
OpenLDAP or special Active Directory congurations.
1 If the Storage Manager Client is connected to a Data Collector, select a Storage Center from the Storage view.
2 In the Summary tab, click Edit Settings.
The Edit Storage Center Settings dialog box opens.
3 Click the Directory Services tab.
4 Click Congure Directory Services Manually.
The Directory Service Manual Conguration wizard opens.
5 From the Directory Type drop-down menu, select Active Directory or OpenLDAP.
6 Type the settings for the directory server.
In the URI eld, type the uniform resource identier (URI) for one or more servers to which Storage Center connects.
: Use the fully qualied domain name (FQDN) of the servers.
Example URIs for two servers:
ldap:// ldap://
Storage Center Maintenance