Deployment Guide

b) If the cable is not properly connected or the host cannot access the controller, an Error setting up connection message is
displayed. Correct the connection, and click OK.
c) If the deployment wizard is closed, click Discover and Configure Uninitialized Storage Centers to relaunch the deployment
d) Type Admin in the User Name field, type the password entered on the Set Administrator Information page in the Password field,
and click Next.
Welcome Page
Use the Welcome page to verify the Storage Center information, and optionally change the name of the Storage Center.
1. Verify that the Service Tag and serial number match the Storage Center to set up.
2. (Optional) Type a name for the Storage Center.
3. Click Next.
Customer Installation Authorization
If the storage system is running Storage Center 7.3 or later, customer authorization is required.
1. Type the customer name and title.
2. Click Next.
Set System Information
The Set System Information page allows you to enter Storage Center and storage controller configuration information to use when
connecting to the Storage Center using Storage Manager.
1. Type a descriptive name for the Storage Center in the Storage Center Name field.
2. If the storage system is running Storage Center 7.3 or later, select the network configuration option from the Network
Configuration Source drop-down menu.
DHCP IPv4 – Selected by default. IP addresses will be discovered and assigned.
Static – Enter static IP addresses manually.
3. If the network configuration source is set to Static:
a) Type the system management IPv4 address for the Storage Center in the Virtual Management IPv4 Address field.
The management IPv4 address is the IP address used to manage the Storage Center and is different than a storage controller IPv4
b) Type an IPv4 address for the management port of each storage controller.
The storage controller IPv4 addresses and management IPv4 address must be within the same subnet.
c) Type the subnet mask of the management network in the Subnet Mask field.
d) Type the gateway address of the management network in the Gateway IPv4 Address field.
e) Type the domain name of the management network in the Domain Name field.
f) Type the DNS server addresses of the management network in the DNS Server and Secondary DNS Server fields.
4. Click Next.
Deploy the Storage Center