Reference Guide

server createcluster
On Storage Center 5.0 and higher, creates a server cluster with no underlying physical or virtual servers. To add a physical or virtual server
to a cluster, see server addtocluster. The command is rejected if:
Cluster name or operating system is omitted.
Requested operating system is not supported (unknown or invalid).
server createcluster –name string {–os string | –osindex integer} {options}
–folder string
Species a server folder name for the new cluster. Names that contain spaces must be enclosed in single quotes.
–folderindex integer
Species the server folder index for the new cluster.
Shows help for command options.
–name string
Species the server name. Names that contain spaces must be enclosed in single quotes.
–os string
Species the name of the operating system for the new cluster. Names that contain spaces must be enclosed in single quotes.
–osindex integer
Species the index of the operating system for the new cluster.
Create a server cluster running Windows 2008:
server createcluster -name 'servercluster 1' -os 'windows 2008'
Command Reference