Reference Guide

Species a Replay size in blocks by which to lter the display.
–serialnumber string
Species a volume serial number by which to lter the display. (Available only when running on operating systems that expose serial
numbers to the user.)
–status string
Species the volume status by which to lter the display. Valid arguments are:
Up: Returns a list of volumes that are running correctly.
Down: Returns a list of volumes that are not running correctly and cannot be used.
Inactive: Returns a list of volumes that are not mapped to a server.
Recycled: Returns a list of volumes that are in the recycle bin.
–storageprofile string
Species a Storage Prole by which to lter the display. Use storageprole show to show a list of available Storage Proles.
–txt filename
Species a txt le in which to save output.
–writecache {true | false}
Species a write cache setting by which to lter the display.
–xml filename
Species an xml le in which to save output.
For each Storage Center volume, the following information is output to the console in table format.
Index Shows volume index.
Name Shows volume name.
Status Shows volume status: Up, Down, Inactive, or Recycled.
CongSize Shows congured size of the volume.
ActiveSize Shows active size of the volume.
ReplaySize Shows Replay size of the volume.
Folder Shows volume folder.
StorageProle Shows volume Storage Proles.
DeviceID Shows volume device ID.
SerialNumber Shows volume serial number.
CongSizeBlock Shows congured size in blocks. (One block equals 512 bytes.)
ActiveSizeBlock Shows active size in blocks. (One block equals 512 bytes.)
ReplaySizeBlock Shows Replay size in blocks. (One block equals 512 bytes.)
MaxWriteSizeBlock Shows maximum write size for the volume in blocks. (One block equals 512 bytes.)
ReadCache Shows if readcache is enabled.
WriteCache Shows if write cache is enabled.
Command Reference 89