Administrator Guide

Using the Top Volumes Widget
The Top Volumes widget displays a table that shows the top volumes based on growth, usage, estimated full level, latency, and
Viewing the Fastest Growing Volumes
The Growth tab of the Top Volumes widget displays the top volumes by growth per day.
NOTE: Click the name of any column to sort the fastest growing volumes based on that field.
Field/Option Description
Name The name of the volume.
Storage Center The name of the Storage Center
Growth The amount of storage usage growth per day
Configured Space The amount of space allocated to the volume
Active Space The amount of volume data that is accessible to a server
Viewing the Most Full Volumes
The Usage tab of the Top Volumes widget displays the top volumes by percent full.
NOTE: Click the name of any column to sort the most full volumes based on that field.
Field/Option Description
Name The name of the volume.
Storage Center The name of the Storage Center
% Full The disk space used by a volume, displayed in percentage of
Available Space
Configured Space The amount of space allocated to the volume
Active Space The amount of volume data that is accessible to a server
Viewing the Soonest Full Volumes
The Estimated Full tab of the Top Volumes widget displays the top volumes by date when estimated to be full.
NOTE: Click the name of any column to sort the soonest full volumes based on that field.
Name The name of the volume
Storage Center The name of the Storage Center
Est. Full The date and time when the volume is estimated to be full
Configured Space The amount of space allocated to the volume
Active Space The amount of volume data that is accessible to a server
Viewing the Volumes with Most Latency
The Latency tab of the Top Volumes widget displays the top volumes by total latency.
NOTE: Click the name of any column to sort the volumes with most latency based on that field.
Name The name of the volume
Storage Center The name of the Storage Center
Viewing Storage Center Information