Developers Guide

Importing PS Series and MD3 VMware volumes
84 Data Migration from Dell PS Series or PowerVault MD3 to Dell EMC SC Series Storage using Thin Import | 3041-BP-EM
2. Click Next when prompted and select the ESXi host server to map the volume to. Click Next when
3. If a Quality of Service (QoS) definition does not exist on the SC Series array, a prompt will appear to
create one. Click Yes to continue. The import process will not proceed until a QoS node is defined
and selected.
Note: The purpose of the QoS definition is to limit or throttle the bandwidth available to the thin import
process, as the import process will use all available bandwidth to transfer data. Allocating too much
bandwidth to the process can be detrimental to overall system performance. Allocating too little bandwidth will
cause the import process to run slowly. If possible, test the process and monitor system performance to
determine the proper bandwidth allocation.
4. Assign a name to the QoS definition. Enter a link speed that is equivalent or less than the line speed
of the iSCSI network connecting the PS Series and SC Series arrays. When enabled, the Bandwidth
Limited option allows daily scheduling of bandwidth allocation in one-hour increments.
5. Click OK when finished.