Reference Guide

SupportAssist Enterprise
8 REST API Guide SupportAssist Enterprise
1.8 Response Codes
For synchronous operations, the server returns HTTP response codes 200 or 204 depending on the request. For
long-running operations, the server returns a status code of 202 along with a HTTP response header (Location),
corresponding to the URI of the temporary resource that can be used to monitor the operation. The following table
includes a few examples of response codes. For an extensive list of response codes, see List of HTTP status
Response Code
Success Codes
200 OK with message body
204 OK with no message body
201 Resource created (operation complete)
200 OK with message body
202 Accepted
201 Created
202 Accepted
204 Success (operation complete)
Failure Codes
Invalid parameter
400 Invalid parameter
401 Authorization failure
Permission denied
403 Permission denied
Not found
404 Resource not found
Invalid request method
405 Invalid request method
Internal server error
500 Internal server error
Service unavailable
503 Service unavailable