Users Guide

Table Of Contents
In addition, the Configuration Viewer displays a Summary category. You can select the Summary category to view the following:
The system information collection settings in SupportAssist Enterprise at the time of the collection
Summary of errors that were detected in the collected system information
Brief information about the device
The Configuration Viewer comprises of the following:
Top pane — Displays the various categories and sub categories of collection data in a menu format. You can move the mouse pointer
over the menu to see subcategories. You can click Expand All or Collapse All to quickly expand or collapse all categories. In addition,
the top pane also displays the Contacts tab and the Section Status tab.
Contacts — Displays case details, customer information that you have provided while registering SupportAssist Enterprise,
collections details, and the application information. The Contacts tab is the default tab.
Section Status — Displays an overview of the section-level information of a collection. This tab displays the status and
description of each section of the collection. The number of items that are displayed in Section Status is dependent on the
configuration of the device. The Section Status section also displays the count and status of the collection. The available
statuses are:
Bottom pane — Displays the collection details. The bottom pane also displays the information available for the category or
subcategory that is selected in the top pane. To view more details of the collection, click one of the subcategories. When you click a
category, the category is expanded, enabling you to view its sub categories. The bottom pane also includes a navigation trail, which
you can click to navigate backwards on the current trail.
Depending on the device types from which the collection was performed, the multiple device configuration viewer may display the
following tabs:
Server — If the collection includes the system information from a server
Storage — If the collection includes the system information from a storage device
Networking — If the collection includes the system information from a network device
Chassis — If the collection includes the system information from a chassis
Software — If the collection includes the system information from a software
Virtual Machine — If the collection includes the system information from a virtual machine
If you have disabled the collection of identity information from devices, the identity information such as
hostname, IP address, and so on, are replaced by tokenized values in the collected system information. The tokenized
values are represented as TOKEN
—for example, TOKEN0, TOKEN1, or TOKEN2.
NOTE: For a list of items that may be reported in collections from a server, see Items reported in periodic collections
from servers on page 112.
NOTE: The Configuration Viewer does not support viewing the system information collected from storage devices with
Fluid File System (FluidFS).
Log types
You can use the configuration viewer to access two types of logs from the system information that is collected by SupportAssist
Log types
Structured logs Contain application logs, Embedded Server Management (ESM) logs, smart logs, and event logs. When you click
the Structured Logs category, the configuration viewer displays the list of available structured logs. You can
click any of the listed structured logs to view the details of the log in a new web browser window.
Unstructured logs Contain a snapshot of the system files such as the Remote Access Controller (RAC) logs, Windows event logs,
and other logs. When you click the Unstructured Logs category, the configuration viewer displays the list of
available unstructured logs.
NOTE: Unstructured logs cannot be viewed within the configuration viewer. You can only save the
unstructured logs and view the log details using an appropriate application.
Viewing collections 111