Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Table 80. Error code appendix (continued)
Error code Error message Possible resolution
SA-4513 SupportAssist Enterprise is unable to send the collected
system information from the device device_name
because of an invalid file token.
Perform the Connectivity Test and make sure that
connectivity to the Dell EMC Upload Server is
To retry collecting the system information, select the
device and click Start Collection.
If the problem persists, contact Dell EMC Technical
Support for assistance.
SupportAssist Enterprise is unable to send the collected
system information from the device_name because of an
invalid file token.
Perform Network Connectivity Test and make sure
that connectivity to the Dell Upload Server is
To retry collecting the system information, select the
device and click Start Collection.
If the problem persists, contact Technical Support for
SA-4514 SupportAssist Enterprise is unable to send the collected
system information from the device device_name
because the collection file is corrupted.
Perform the Connectivity Test and make sure that
connectivity to the Dell EMC Upload Server is
To retry collecting the system information, select the
device and click Start Collection.
If the problem persists, contact Dell EMC Technical
Support for assistance.
SupportAssist Enterprise is unable to send the collected
system information from the device_name because the
collection file is corrupted.
Perform Network Connectivity Test and make sure
that connectivity to the Dell Upload Server is
To retry collecting the system information, select the
device and click Start Collection.
If the problem persists, contact Technical Support for
SupportAssist Enterprise is unable to send the collected
system information from the device_name because the
proxy server is not reachable.
Verify the proxy server settings in SupportAssist
Make sure that the proxy server is reachable.
To retry collecting the system information, select the
device and click Start Collection.
If the problem persists, contact your network administrator
for assistance.
SupportAssist Enterprise is unable to send the collected
system information from the device device_name
because the proxy server is not reachable.
Verify the proxy server settings in SupportAssist
Make sure that the proxy server is reachable.
To retry collecting the system information, select the
device and click Start Collection.
If the problem persists, contact Dell EMC Technical
Support for assistance.
SupportAssist Enterprise is unable to send the collected
system information from the device_name because an
attempt to connect to proxy server is unsuccessful.
Verify the proxy server settings in SupportAssist
Make sure that the proxy server is reachable.
To retry collecting the system information, select the
device and click Start Collection.
If the problem persists, contact your network administrator
for assistance.
222 Error code appendix