Users Guide

Table Of Contents
6. Type Enter-PSSession -ComputerName <HostName/IP address of the Windows Server Core device> -
Credential ~\<Username of Windows Server Core machine> and press Enter.
Example: Enter-PSSession -ComputerName "" -Credential ~\Administrator
7. Type the password and press Enter.
8. Create a folder.
9. Type Exit and press Enter to end the remote connection.
10. To copy the installer file to Windows Server Core, type Copy-Item -ToSession $TargetSession -Path "<Location
where the SupportAssist Enterprise installer is available>" -Destination "<Destination Path>"
-Recurse and press Enter.
Example: Copy-Item -ToSession $TargetSession -Path "C:\Installer\SupportAssistEnterprise_2.0.10.exe" -Destination "C:\Users
\Administrator\Documents\SupportAssistEnterprise_2.0.10.exe" -Recurse
11. To enable remote login, type set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM: \System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal
Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp' -name "UserAuthentication" -Value 1 and press Enter.
12. Open a remote desktop connection to the system running Windows Server Core and run the SupportAssist Enterprise installer.exe file.
Install SupportAssist Enterprise on Linux
Download the SupportAssist Enterprise installation package for Linux operating systems. See Downloading the SupportAssist
Enterprise installation package.
Log in to the system with root privileges.
Net-SNMP must be installed on the system. For information on installing Net-SNMP, see Installing Net-SNMP (Linux only).
If you choose to install Net-SNMP after installing SupportAssist Enterprise, ensure that you run the script
file,, after installing Net-SNMP. The script file will be available at /opt/
dell/supportassist/scripts after the installation of SupportAssist Enterprise is completed.
The system must meet the requirements for installing SupportAssist Enterprise. See Minimum requirements for installing and using
SupportAssist Enterprise.
If you are using a Linux terminal emulator such as PuTTY to remotely install SupportAssist Enterprise, ensure that you are using PuTTY
version 0.63 or later.
On Debian operating systems, ensure that en_US.utf.8 locale package is installed.
If locales are not installed, use the apt-get install locales command to install the locales.
If any other locale is installed, you can install the en_US.utf.8 locale by using the dpkg-reconfigure locales command.
1. Open the terminal window on the system running the Linux operating system.
2. Browse to the folder where the SupportAssist Enterprise installation package is available.
3. Perform one of the following:
Type chmod 744 supportassistenterprise_2.x.x.bin and press Enter.
Type chmod +x supportassistenterprise_2.x.x.bin and press Enter.
4. Type ./supportassistenterprise_2.x.x.bin and press Enter.
The Welcome to the SupportAssist Enterprise Installer message is displayed.
5. To continue, type c.
The SupportAssist Enterprise License Agreement is displayed.
6. Read the license agreement and type y to start the installation.
If the default SupportAssist Enterprise ports (9099 and 2424) are already in use, you are prompted to ensure that the ports are not in
use or to enter custom port numbers. Else, the SupportAssist Enterprise login page opens in a web browser window.
Getting started with SupportAssist Enterprise