Users Guide

Table Of Contents
The support case displays a Suspended status.
NOTE: If SupportAssist Enterprise is unable to process your request, an appropriate error message is displayed. In
such a scenario, you can run the case creation test to verify connectivity to Dell EMC, and then retry the operation.
Request to resume support activities
You must be logged in to SupportAssist Enterprise with elevated or administrative privileges. See SupportAssist Enterprise user groups on
page 122 and Granting elevated or administrative privileges to users on page 124.
About this task
You can request Technical Support to resume activities for a support case, if you had previously requested to suspend activities for the
support case.
1. Point to Cases and click View Cases.
The Cases page is displayed.
2. In the Refine by pane, from the Source Type list, select SupportAssist.
The list of all cases that were opened by SupportAssist are displayed.
3. Select the support case for which you want to Technical Support to resume case activities.
NOTE: The Case Options list is enabled only if the support case that you have selected was opened by SupportAssist.
NOTE: The Resume Activity option is enabled only if you had previously requested to suspend notifications for the
selected support case.
4. From the Case Options list, select Resume Activity.
The Resume Activity window is displayed.
5. (Optional) Type your reason for requesting to resume activities for the support case.
6. Click OK.
The Updating Case message is displayed. After the case is updated successfully, the Case Status message is displayed.
7. Click OK.
The support case displays the appropriate status.
If SupportAssist Enterprise is unable to process your request, an appropriate error message is displayed. In
such a scenario, you can run the case creation test to verify connectivity to Dell EMC, and then retry the operation.
Request to close a support case
You must be logged in to SupportAssist Enterprise with elevated or administrative privileges. See SupportAssist Enterprise user groups on
page 122 and Granting elevated or administrative privileges to users on page 124.
About this task
If you have resolved a problem with a device, you can request Technical Support to close the corresponding support case.
You can request Technical Support to close a support case only if the support case was opened by
NOTE: You can request Technical Support to close a support case that is in any status, except the Closed and Closure
Requested status.
1. Point to Cases and click View Cases.
The Cases page is displayed.
2. In the Refine by pane, from the Source Type list, select SupportAssist.
Viewing cases and devices