Administrator Guide

Receiving telemetry reports
Document 418
3.1.2 Redfish Client Using Pull Method
The Redfish client can pull a report or report collection URIs on demand by performing an HTTP GET
operation on the metric report URI as specified below.
Pull One Report:
HTTP GET /redfish/v1/TelemetryService/MetricReports/<report>
curl -s -k -u user:pw -X GET https://<IDRAC-
Pull Report Collection (URI list only):
HTTP GET /redfish/v1/TelemetryService/MetricReports
curl -s -k -u user:pw -X GET https://<IDRAC-
Previously generated reports are returned in response to the above GET command at the report interval or
when a trigger condition is met.
3.1.3 Remote syslog server using syslog protocol
After the Rsyslog server, port, and reports are configured, the remote syslog server will receive the telemetry
report in the body of the syslog message. Large reports are received in multiple syslog messages. These
reports contain information such as sequence numbers, totals chunks, and chunk number; all of which are
used to reconstruct the whole report. For details on the server-side configuration, see the white paper,
Telemetry Streaming MetricReport Using Rsyslog. The paper also includes information about configuring
SSL certificates and how to process the report information in the syslog message.
3.1.4 Report generation behavior and limitations
General report behavior: The number of data instances cached and used for a report generation depends
on the DevicePollFrequency and ReportInterval configured on a report. For example, if DevicePollFrequency
is 5 seconds and ReportInterval is 60 seconds, 12 data instances are used to create a report. The report will
be part of report collection, and available for the PULL request until another report replaces it on next
ReportInterval. The above sample count is for a single instance per device poll. In multiple instances of data
per device poll, the instance, or sample count, is 12 times the runtime devices instances.
Reports with a specific configuration:
NVMeSMARTData - NVMeSMARTData is only supported for SSD (PCIeSSD/NVMe Express) drives
with PCIe bus protocol (not behind SWRAID).
StorageDiskSMARTData report is only supported for SSD drives with SAS/SATA bus protocol and
behind the BOSS controller.
StorageSensor report is only supported for the drives in non-raid mode and not behind the BOSS
GPGPUStatistics report is only available in specific GPGPU models that support ECC memory
capability (GP102GL [Tesla P40]).