White Papers

10 Implementation of the DMTF Redfish API on Dell EMC PowerEdge Servers
Redfish events are delivered only over HTTPS transport. In the initial iDRAC Redfish implementation, HTTPS
certificates are disabled; this requires the event listener to support receiving event notifications without
certificate validation. Eventing with certificate support is planned for a future release.
2.5 Redfish operational model
Redfish operations are initiated by a client using HTTPS for GET, POST, PATCH and DELETE operations
and capable of interpreting the JSON responses from the managed server. The responses provide the
requested information and indications of success or failure of the requested operation.
Redfish operational model
2.5.1 Redfish client
The REST principle of "Everything is a Resource" means that every Uniform Resource Identifier or URI
represents a resource of a specific type. This can be a service, a collection, an entity or some other construct.
In the Redfish context, a resource can be thought of as the content of the HTTP message returned when
accessing a URI. A variety of REST Clients can be used for gaining access to Redfish resources such as:
Web browser plug-ins such as “Advanced REST Client”, “Postman”, “REST Easy” and “RESTClient”
cURL, Python, and other scripting/programming languages that provide support for dealing with URIs
and for parsing JSON payloads.
2.6 Redfish architecture
Because the RESTful API employed by Redfish is web-based, access is provided using URIs, which can be
typed into a web browser. The Redfish API uses a simple folder structure that starts with the Redfish root at
GET https://<iDRAC IP>/redfish/v1/
JSON response
Redfish Client
Managed Servers
JSON response