White Papers

16 Standards-based NIC and FC-HBA management for Dell EMC PowerEdge servers
Note: Some device properties are read-only while other properties are read-write. To determine the
properties that can be modified under different conditions, see documentation of the selected network
controller interface. An example is iSCSI boot propertiesif iSCSI is being configured by using DHCP
then iSCSI boot property settings cannot be modified unless DHCP usage is disabled.
3. Before setting properties, use the script to generate an ini file which will be used by the script to set
properties to new values. The generated “ini file will be output in the required dictionary structure to
set the network properties.
C:\Python27>SetNetworkDevicePropertiesRedfish.py -ip -u root
-p calvin -g y
- WARNING, "set network_properties.ini" file created. This file contains
payload dictionary which will be used to set properties
Modify the payload dictionary passing in property names and values for the
correct group.
Example of modified dictionary:
4. This workflow will be used to configure the iSCSI Boot property InitiatorIPAddress”. The script must
pass in this key along with a string value for the nested dictionary “iSCSIBoot”.
Example of the modified ini file:
{"FibreChannel": {}, "iSCSIBoot": {"InitiatorIPAddress":""}}
Note: For the property group FibreChannel, enter either an empty dictionary or remove it from the
ini file.
5. After the ini file is modified as necessary, apply the configuration changes to be applied
Note: When applying network property changes, the configuration job can be scheduled for a
maintenance window occurring at a time in the future. For more information, see
@Redfish.SettingsApplyTime in the Redfish schema for more information.
C:\Python27>SetNetworkDevicePropertiesRedfish.py -ip -u root -p
calvin -s NIC.Integrated.1-1-1 -r n
- WARNING, setting properties for iSCSIBoot group:
Property Name: InitiatorIPAddress, Pending New Value:
- PASS: PATCH command passed to set property pending value, status code 200
- PASS: PATCH command passed to create next reboot config job, status code
202 returned
- PASS, JID_277824009347 next reboot config jid successfully created
- WARNING: JobStatus not scheduled, current status is: New
- WARNING, config job marked as scheduled, system will now reboot to apply
configuration changes
- PASS, Command passed to power OFF server, code return is 204