White Papers

18 Standards-based NIC and FC-HBA management for Dell EMC PowerEdge servers
PrimaryVLANId: None
AuthenticationMethod: None
PrimaryVLANEnable: None
- FibreChannel Properties -
WWNN: 20:00:18:66:DA:91:9B:49
PermanentWWNN: 20:00:18:66:DA:91:9B:49
PermanentWWPN: 20:01:18:66:DA:91:9B:49
FCoELocalVLANId: None
FCoEActiveVLANId: 1
WWNSource: ProvidedByFabric
WWPN: 20:01:18:66:DA:91:9B:49
BootTargets: [{u'WWPN': u'00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00', u'LUNID': u'0'}]
3.4 Limitations when using Redfish 2016 standard network APIs for
network configuration
There are several limitations when using Redfish 2016 standard APIs for network configurations:
- When operating upon the network properties for a port, use the Redfish schema
(NetworkDeviceFunction) to determine if the property is read-only or read-write. The schema does not
provide information about dependencies of a given property on other properties. Dell EMC provides
attribute registries on delltechcenter.com/idrac which describes the available network properties, their
read/write capabilities, and any dependencies on other properties.
- Redfish 2016 standard network APIs support setting a limited number of network properties. For example,
the standard APIs do not support enabling VLAN mode, setting the VLAN port, or support advanced
configuration such as NIC partitioning. Such detailed configuration can be implemented by using the Dell
EMC Server Configuration Profile (SCP) feature. For more details about using SCP features for network
configuration see the RESTful Server Configuration with iDRAC REST API white paper available on the
Dell EMC Techcenter.