White Papers

Active Directory Configuration
• For the Group Name, enter iDRACAdministrators (Note: all group names must be an exact match
to the group names you created earlier in Active Directory Server).
Group Domain - enter your domain name. For example, ci.local.
Role Group Privilege Level - Select Administrator from the drop-down menu. Note that all the
nine privilege options are selected. Even though these privileges can be customized, it is
recommended that you keep the default options selected for the Administrator and Read-only
users. "Operator" is the correct user level to make customized privilege selections.
• Click Apply.
13. Click Role Group 2. • Group Name - iDRACOperators
Group Domain - ci.local for example
Privilege Level - Select Operator from the drop-down menu. Note that seven of the nine options
are selected. This is where customized privileges (if any) should be made by selecting or clearing
appropriate options.
Click Apply.
14. Click Role Group 3. Group Name - iDRACReadOnlyUsers
Group Domain - ci.local for example
Privilege Level - Select Read Only from the drop-down menu.
• Click Apply
Click Finish. The Active Directory Configuration and Management page is displayed.
Figure 10. Directory Services Summary