White Papers

33 Zero-touch, bare-metal server provisioning using the Dell EMC iDRAC with Lifecycle Controller Auto Config
Windows DHCP Scope Options String Value
Here is the list of required and optional parameters to be entered as the string value:
-f (Filename): name of exported Server Configuration Profile file (mandatory for iDRAC
and earlier versions)
Note: If the -f parameter is not used, refer to the "File Naming Behavior with iDRAC firmware or later” section.
-n (Sharename): name of network share (mandatory for NFS or CIFS)
-s (ShareType): Type 0 for NFS, or 2 for CIFS (mandatory)
-i (IPAddress): IP address of the network share (mandatory)
-u (Username): username that has access to network share (mandatory only for CIFS)
-p (Password): user password that has access to network share (mandatory only for CIFS)
-d (ShutdownType): type 0 for graceful or 1 for forced (default setting: 0) (optional)
-t (Timetowait): time to wait for the host to shutdown (default setting: 300) (optional)
-e (EndHostPowerState): type 0 for OFF or 1 for ON (default=1) (optional)
Alongside supporting NFS and CIFS-based file sharing, iDRAC9 firmware and later also supports
accessing profile files by using HTTP and HTTPS. The -s option flag is updated as follows:
-s (ShareType): type nfs or 0 for NFS; cifs or 2 for CIFS; http or 5 for HTTP; or https or 6 for HTTPS