Reference Guide

132 Lifecycle Controller Web Services Interface Guide for Linux
14.5 Enable or Disable the Boot SourceChangeBootSourceState()
The ChangeBootSourceState() method is called to change the enabled status of
BootSourceSetting instances to Disable or Enable. The input parameter, source, is an array of
InstanceID of BootSourceSetting instances. Enumerating the BootSourceSetting Class in Section 14.3,
displays the CurrentEnabledStatus field which provides the applicable status.
Note 1: In order for the changes to be applied, the CreateTargetedConfigJob() method in Section 17.7
must be ran.
Note 2: BIOS does not support the setting of EnabledState for BCV devices.
Invoke ChangeBootSourceState() with the following parameters and syntax:
[INSTANCE ID]: Obtained from the BootSourceSetting Class enumeration, this example uses the
field IPL.
source: Reference to the InstanceID attribute from Section 14.3
EnabledState: State of boot source element. Disabled=0, Enabled=1
wsman invoke -a ChangeBootSourceState
-h $IPADDRESS -V -v -c dummy.cert -P 443
-J ChangeBootSourceState.xml -j utf-8 -y basic
The input file ChangeBootSourceState.xml is shown below:
<n1:Message>The command was successful</n1:Message>
The source input is obtained
from the BootSourceSetting
inventory in Section 14.3