Reference Guide

16 Lifecycle Controller Web Services Interface Guide for Linux
3.2 WS-Man Security and Time Parameters
3.2.1 Encryption Certificate Security
For the WS-Man examples provided in this document, the strict checks of certificates such as matching of
CNs (Common Names) and verification with the actual CA (Certificate Authority) of the certificate of the
WS-Management protocol HTTPS encryption certificate is assumed to be already configured and
enabled. To disable the strict certificate checking, run the following command line options to all WS-Man
examples: v and V.
For more information about directions on setting up encryption certificates and executing WS-Man
invocations using full security capabilities for WS-Man, see the WS-Man documentation4 and related
documents. For more information about directions on configuring different encryption certificates for the
iDRAC Web server, see the Lifecycle Controller User Guide1. Dell recommends that the full security and
encryption capabilities of the WS- Management protocol is used for production level utilization of the
Lifecycle Controller Web services interfaces.
3.2.2 Handling Invalid Responses from WS-Man Commands
Check the network connection to make sure that the System is connected
Check the WS-Man syntax to ensure there are no typos in the command line
Check if there are other WS-Man commands sent from other Systems
Wait for a few seconds and re-try running the WS-Man command
3.2.3 Improving WS-Man Enumeration Performance
Enumeration configuration only available for winRM.
3.2.4 Specifying Time using WSMAN
The several methods that attach a virtual USB device to the target System accept a StartTime and Until
parameter. The parameter data type is CIM date-time. If the StartTime parameter is null the action will not
be started. If the Until parameter is null, the default value will be 17 hours. The date-time data type is
defined in the CIM Infrastructure Specification
dddddddd is the number of days hh is the remaining number of hours
mm is the remaining number of minutes
ss is the remaining number of seconds
mmmmmm is the remaining number of microseconds
The Lifecycle controller 2.0 firmware update, and set attribute related methods that require a date time
parameter, use the form YYYYMMDDhhmmss (Eg. 20090930112030). You are expected to enter the
date and time in this format for all Lifecycle Controller 2.0 updates and set attribute tasks.
TIME_NOW is a special value that represents “running the tasks immediately”.
Note: When attempting to change the RAC time by using ManageTime() WSMAN API, if the time being
set is greater than the current RAC Time, the WSMAN operation returns a TIMEOUT even though the
operation may be successful.