Reference Guide

188 Lifecycle Controller Web Services Interface Guide for Linux
<n1:DefaultValue xsi:nil="true"/>
<n1:PendingValue xsi:nil="true"/>
17.2 Getting a BIOS Enumeration Instance
Getting one particular instance of the BIOSEnumeration, instead of all instances as shown in Section
17.1, is shown below.
Get a BIOSEnumeration instance with the following parameters and syntax:
[INSTANCEID]: This is obtained from the enumeration in Section 17.1, which shows an example
using BIOS.Setup.1-1:NumLock as an instanceID
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<n1:DefaultValue xsi:nil="true"/>
<n1:PendingValue xsi:nil="true"/>
17.3 Changing the BIOS BootMode-SetAttribute()
The SetAttribute() method can be used to apply changes to setting the BootMode configuration to a
given instance.
Invoke SetAttribute() with the following parameters (from Section 17.1) and syntax:
TARGET: Obtained from the InstanceID field
AttributeName: Obtained from the AttributeName field
AttributeValue: Obtained from the PossibleValues field
The ‘set attributes’ method in
Section 17.4 will use the
AttributeName and
PossibleValues fields as input.