Reference Guide

244 Lifecycle Controller Web Services Interface Guide for Linux
28 Support for HTTP and HTTPS Network Shares in 14G
WSMAN file transfer mechanism had introduced in 14th Generation of iDRAC for transferring a file from
management application local folder to iDRAC local storage and vice-versa.
To perform this operation WSMAN introduces the following extrinsic methods /APIs.
28.1.1 ImportData():
This method is used to import to idrac local, based on the input parameter type. Management application
can import the file in series of chunks, if file size is large using this method. This method is generic, which
can transfer any file. Current scope of this method is “Server Configuration Profile (SCP)” file.
Invoke “ImportData” method with the following input parameters.
FileType: Import file type
1 XML Config
2 Reserved
InSessionID: Empty for first transaction
ChunkSize: Chunk size for the packet being transmitted.Max size of the chunk is 65535Bytes
FileSize: First Packet will have File Size
TxfrDescriptor: Transfer descriptor value
1 Start of Transmit
2 Normal Transmission
3 End of Packet
PayLoadEncoding: Payload encoding format
PayLoad: Base-64 encoded payload value
CRC: CRC for complete file, using “md5” algorithm for CRC calculation.
After completion of file transfer, management application invokes the existing method
“ImportSystemConfiguration()” where share type is equal to local to perform System configuration profile
The following methods are currently supporting to import files, where the share type is local:
Input Parameter (Unit16)
ShareType = 4 for local
ShareType = 4 for local
wsman invoke -a ImportData
-h $IPADDRESS -V -v -c dummy.cert -P 443
-J import_1.xml -j utf-8 -y basic
Import_1.xml: Contains the following parameters.