Setup Guide

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Server Configuration Profiles: User’s Guide
13 Server Configuration Profiles: Reference Guide | 456
The content between the Attribute nodes can be edited and applied via SCP Import. In the example below,
changing the VirtMacAddr from F4:02:70:B4:13:AB to F4:02:70:B4:13:DB will trigger a set operation on
NIC.Embedded.2-1-1 during an SCP Import.
<SystemConfiguration Model="PowerEdge R740" ServiceTag="G123456" TimeStamp="Tue Jul 21
13:56:41 2020">
<Component FQDD="NIC.Embedded.2-1-1">
<Attribute Name="VirtMacAddr">F4:02:70:B4:13:DB</Attribute>
Some attributes will be commented out by default in XML mode. The example below shows the VirtMacAddr
attribute surrounded by XML comments represented by the <!-- --> markup. Commented attributes will be
ignored during SCP Import. If a commented setting needs to be applied, then simply remove the comment
markup before calling SCP Import.
<!-- <Attribute Name="VirtMacAddr">F4:02:70:B4:13:DB</Attribute> -->
There are additional options available which simplify which attributes will be commented and uncommented
when generating the template. These modes will be covered in the Clone and Replace
sections below.
2.3 JSON Layout
JSON is an optional format that can be requested when generating a template. The overall template structure
is like XML but there are some key differences. The most important of which is the layout of the individual
{ "Name": "IPMILan.1#Enable",
"Value": "Enabled",
"Set On Import": "True",
"Comment": "Read and Write" },
In XML, sets are determined by whether an attribute was commented out. The JSON data format does have
a concept of comments. Attributes include a ‘Set On Import’ item, that when set to ‘True’ will apply the setting
during an SCP Import.
There’s also an informational item ‘Comment’ which will either be ‘Read and Write’ or ‘Read Only’.
2.4 Golden Template (One to Many)
Throughout this document the term ‘golden template’ is used frequently to describe a single template used to
apply a unified configuration across many servers. The SCP Export section below will go over many of the
details required for generating a template, but here are some general guidelines that should be followed.
2.4.1 Recommendations
1. Generate a template from a fully configured server.
a. Selective Export
to include only desired components.
b. Clone or Replace is generally recommended.
c. Include Password Hash is recommended in mirroring iDRAC user / BIOS password settings.
2. Remove unwanted attributes or components from the template.
3. Confirm that target servers have a similar physical device location setup.