Setup Guide

Table Of Contents
Server Configuration Profiles: User’s Guide
38 Server Configuration Profiles: Reference Guide | 456
10 BIOS Configuration
SCP can be used to apply any BIOS setting. A few common activities have been included below and
additional details can be found in the Creating and Managing XML Configuration Files by Using WS-Man
10.1 Workload profiles
Workload profiles are collections of BIOS settings. When workload profiles are combined with SCP Imports,
the workload profile will be applied first and then the remaining attributes in the template will be applied.
{ "FQDD": "BIOS.Setup.1-1",
"Attributes": [
{ "Name": "WorkloadProfile",
"Value": "NotAvailable",
"Set On Import": "True",
"Comment": "Read and Write" },
The ‘WorkloadProfile’ attribute will always be exported as NotAvailable regardless of what was recently
applied. This attribute is not persistent and only serves to trigger a workload profile swap.
NOTE: Depending on the server’s installed processor, certain possible values might not be available for
this attribute.
10.2 F1 / F2 Error Prompt
The BIOS ‘F1 / F2 Error Prompt’ setting is enabled by default. If BIOS detects an error during POST while
this setting is Enabled, then the POST boot process will be stopped at a ‘Press F1/F2 to continue’ prompt.
This setting can be disabled in F2 during POST or via SCP with this attribute:
{ "Name": "ErrPrompt",
"Value": "Disabled",
"Set On Import": "True",
"Comment": "Read and Write" },
This error prompt can disrupt LifecycleController operations including Server Configuration Profile Imports. If
a SCP Import operation appears to be stuck at 20% ‘Applying configuration changes.’ then check the host to
see if it’s waiting at this error prompt.
10.3 Changing the Boot Order
SCP offers a few different options for updating the boot order and hard disk order for the host.
Set the order by putting a single FQDD into each of SetBootOrderFqdd numbered attributes.
<Attribute Name="SetBootOrderFqdd1">NIC.Integrated.1-1-1</Attribute>
<Attribute Name="SetBootOrderFqdd2">HardDisk.List.1-1</Attribute>
<Attribute Name="SetBootOrderFqdd16"></Attribute>
The same can be done for the hard disk order.