Setup Guide

Table Of Contents
Server Configuration Profiles: User’s Guide
50 Server Configuration Profiles: Reference Guide | 456
14 iDRAC Direct (SCP via USB)
On the 14th generation servers, a dedicated micro USB port is available to configure iDRAC. A server can be
configured by using a SCP template stored on a USB drive.
14.1 Setup
Create a directory in root of the USB device called System_Configuration_XML that contains both the SCP
template and control files:
The SCP template must follow the following naming convention; <servicetag>-config.xml,
<servicetag>-config.json, <modelnumber>-config.xml, <modelnumber>-config.json,config.xml or
Control file (control.xml)Includes parameters to control the SCP Import operation. The control file
contains three parameters:
o ShutdownType Graceful, Forced, No Reboot.
o TimeToWait (in secs) 300 minimum and 3600 maximum.
o EndHostPowerState on/off.
Example control.xml:
<InstructionType>Configuration XML import Host control Instruction</InstructionType>
<InstructionType>Configuration XML import Host control Instruction</InstructionType>
<ValuePossibilities>Minimum value is 300 -Maximum value is 3600
<InstructionType>XML import Host control Instruction</InstructionType>
NOTE: The Server Control privilege is required to perform this operation.