White Papers

Version 1.0.0 9
6.2 Creating Jobs
Platform management jobs are created as the result of invoking an extrinsic method for performing a
specific task. Jobs that are created as the result of an extrinsic method invocation are initially created
without a start time defined and require a management client script or application to subsequently set the
scheduled start time by specifying job(s) and start time in a job queue.
6.3 Grouping Jobs
One or more jobs are be grouped together in job queues to define job order, start time and to prepare the
job grouping for execution in another environment such as Unified Extensible Firmware Interface(UEFI).
If the Lifecycle Controller is to perform the system reboot needed to execute update jobs, a reboot job is
included in the job queue definition.
6.4 Scheduling Jobs
Jobs, such as firmware update tasks, that are created as a result of extrinsic method invocations are
initially unscheduled. One or more job can be scheduled to start immediately or at a specified start time
by setting up a job queue. Job queues are setup by calling the SetupJobQueue() method on the job
6.5 Canceling Jobs
Jobs may be canceled by the management application calling delete instance method for an existing job
instance. Any related extrinsic method invocations that were part of the job will be deleted. Pending
update tasks that were defined in the job targets are not executed by deleting the job before it has run.
Job queues that were setup using the SetupJobQueue() method on the job control service can be
deleted using the DeleteJobQueue() method.
6.6 Maintenance Windows
A client script or application that performs platform hardware management, may define specific
maintenance time slots. Time slot specification includes being able to specify a scheduled job start time
and a duration interval after which, if the job has not been executed, the job is canceled for jobs and job
7 Implementation Requirements
Requirements and guidelines for propagating and formulating certain class properties are discussed in
this section; methods are listed in section 8 and properties are listed in section 10.
7.1 DCIM_JobService
One instance of DCIM_JobService shall be instantiated in the “root/dcim” implementation namespace.
7.2 DCIM_LifeCycleJob
The management tasks requested by the management application shall be represented by instances of a
subclass of the DCIM_LifecycleJob class which is a subclass of the CIM_ConcreteJob class. The
DCIM_LifecycleJob class is further subclassed as the DCIM_SoftUpdateConcreteJob for BIOS, firmware,
and embedded software update jobs. Software update related methods (see the Dell Software Update
Profile DCIM-SoftwareUpdateProfile-1.0.0) return references to the DCIM_SoftUpdateConcreteJob
class. Most of the system management tasks require a reboot of the system, which can be scheduled as
a job or the reboot can be performed by other means after the job tasks have reached their scheduled
start time.