Reference Guide

47 RESTful Server Configuration with iDRAC RESTful API
A.1 Verifying iDRAC RESTful API with Redfish service is enabled
Before running any iDRAC RESTful API with Redfish workflows, verify that Redfish support is enabled -
default setting is Enabled. Redfish service enablement can be verified with WS-MAN, the RACADM CLI, or
the iDRAC GUI.
Verifying whether Redfish is enabled using WS-MAN
C:\>winrm g
Enumeration?InstanceID=iDRAC.Embedded.1#Redfish.1#Enable -u:username -p:password
/ -SkipCNcheck -SkipCAcheck -encoding:utf-8 -a:basic
AttributeDisplayName = Enable
AttributeName = Enable
CurrentValue = Enabled
DefaultValue = Enabled
Dependency = null
DisplayOrder = 2250
FQDD = iDRAC.Embedded.1
GroupDisplayName = Redfish
GroupID = Redfish.1
InstanceID = iDRAC.Embedded.1#Redfish.1#Enable
IsReadOnly = false
PendingValue = null
PossibleValues = Disabled, Enabled
Verifying whether Redfish is enabled using RACADM
C:\>racadm -r -u username -p password get idrac.redfish.enable
Verifying whether Redfish is enabled using the iDRAC GUI
iDRAC7/8: Start the iDRAC GUI with a web browser and traverse to the Network Service page - Server ->
iDRAC Settings -> Network -> Services -> Redfish. Verify that Enabled is selected.