White Papers

Power Supply Profile
14 Version 1.0.0a
7.4 CIM_PowerSupply.RequestedState
The CIM_PowerSupply.RequestedState property shall have a value of 12 (Not Applicable), 5 (No
Change), or a value contained in the
CIM_EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities.RequestedStatesSupported property array of the associated
CIM_EnabledLogicalElementCapabilities instance (see section 7.2.1).
When the power supply state management is supported and the RequestStateChange(
) method is
successfully executed, the RequestedState property shall be set to the value of the parameter
RequestedState of RequestStateChange(
) method. After the RequestStateChange( ) method has
executed successfully the RequestedState and EnabledState shall have equal values, with the exception
of the transitional requested state 11 (Reset). The value of the RequestedState property may also change
as a result of a request for a change to the power supply’s enabled state by a non-CIM implementation.
7.4.1 RequestedState – 12 (Not Applicable) value
When the power supply state management is not supported, the value of the
CIM_PowerSupply.RequestedState property shall be 12 (Not Applicable).
7.4.2 RequestedState – 5 (No Change) value
When the power supply state management is supported, the initial value of the
CIM_PowerSupply.RequestedState property shall be 5 (No Change).
7.5 CIM_PowerSupply.EnabledState
Table 2 describes the mapping between the values of the CIM_PowerSupply.EnabledState property and
the corresponding description of the state of the power supply. The CIM_PowerSupply.EnabledState
property shall match the values that are specified in Table 2. When the RequestStateChange(
) method
executes but does not complete successfully, and the power supply is in an indeterminate state, the
CIM_PowerSupply.EnabledState property shall have value of 5 (Not Applicable). The value of this
property may also change as a result of a change to the power supply’s enabled state by a non-CIM
Table 2 – EnabledState Value Description
Value Description Extended Description
2 Enabled Power supply shall be enabled.
3 Disabled Power supply shall be disabled.
5 Not Applicable
Power supply state is indeterminate, or the power supply state
management is not supported.
6 Enabled but Offline
Power supply shall be enabled but shall not actively supply
power (used in redundant configuration; see section 7.7).
7.6 CIM_SystemDevice and CIM_SuppliesPower
When no instance of CIM_SuppliesPower references the instance of CIM_PowerSupply, the power
supply represented by CIM_PowerSupply supplies power to the whole managed system. In this case, the
CIM_ComputerSystem instance and the CIM_PowerSupply instance shall only be associated through an
instance of CIM_SystemDevice.
When at least one instance of CIM_SuppliesPower references the instance of CIM_PowerSupply, all of
the power-receiving elements shall be associated with the CIM_PowerSupply instance through an
instance of CIM_SuppliesPower.