White Papers

Power Topology Profile
redundancyset1 : RedundancySet
RedundancyStatus : 2(Fully Redundant)
TypeOfSet : 2 (N+1)
redundancyset2 : RedundancySet
RedundancyStatus : 2(Fully Redundant)
TypeOfSet : 2 (N+1)
system1 : ComputerSystem
exredundancyset2 : RedundancySet
RedundancyStatus : 4 (Redundancy Lost)
TypeOfSet : 2 (N+1)
exredundancyset1 : RedundancySet
RedundancyStatus : 2(Fully Redundant)
TypeOfSet : 2 (N+1)
capabilities1 : Dell_OEMPowerConfigurationCapabilities
SupportedMethods[] : {
2(ChangeAffectedElementsAssignedSequence), 3
AssignedSequence : 1
AssignedSequence : 2
AssignedSequence : 0
AssignedSequence : 0
Figure 7 – Power Topology Profile: Changing User Assigned Priority
9.2 Retrieve the Power Redundancy Status
A client can determine the redundancy status for a given instance of CIM_PowerSupply as follows:
1) Find the instance of CIM_RedundancySet that is associated with the instance of
CIM_PowerSupply through an instance of CIM_MemberOfCollection.
2) Retrieve the value of the CIM_RedundancySet.RedundancyStatus property.
3) Find the referencing instance of Dell_OEMOrderedServiceAffectsElement, and retrieve the
AssignedSequence property.
4) Find the instance of CIM_RedundancySet that is associated with the selected instance of
CIM_RedundancySet through an instance of CIM_ConcreteIdentity.
5) Retrieve the value of the CIM_RedundancySet.RedundancyStatus property.
6) Find the referencing instance of Dell_OEMOrderedServiceAffectsElement, and retrieve the
AssignedSequence property.
7) If both AssignedSequence properties are equal, then the two values of RedundancyStatus yield
the overall power redundancy status of the managed system per the client’s discretion.
8) Or if one of the values of AssignedSequence is lower but is not zero, then the
RedundancyStatus of the lower AssignedSequence referencing CIM_RedundancySet instance
represents the overall power redundancy of the system.
9) Or if one of the values of AssignedSequence is zero, then the RedundancyStatus of the higher
non-zero AssignedSequence referencing CIM_RedundancySet instance represents the overall
power redundancy of the system.
Version 1.0.0a 29