White Papers

Version 1.1.0 28
DCIM Extension MOF
// ==================================================================
// DCIM OS Deployment classes and methods
// ==================================================================
[ provider ("cmpi:dcimosdeploy"), Description (
"DCIM_OSDeploymentService is a Dell extension of CIM_Service.
This class supports several extrinsic methods to support
remote Operating System deployment.")]
class DCIM_OSDeploymentService : CIM_Service {
[Description ( "GetDriverPackInfo(). This method returns the list
of Operating Systems that can be installed on the server using
embedded device drivers present in the Lifecylce controller." ),
ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "4096"},
Values { "Success", "Not Supported", "Failed", "Job Created"}]
uint32 GetDriverPackInfo(
[IN ( false ), OUT, Description (
"Version of the driver pack present in the Lifecylce controller"
string Version,
[IN ( false ), OUT, Description (
"List of Operating Systems supported for deployment on the
Server" )]
string OSList[],
[IN ( false ), OUT, Description (
"Reference to a CIM_ConcreteJob" )]
CIM_ConcreteJob REF Job,
[IN ( false ), OUT, Description (
"Error message ID part of the OSD message registry" )]
string MessageID,
[IN ( false ), OUT, Description (
"Description of error message in english part of the OSD message
registry" )]
string Message,
[IN ( false ), OUT, Description (
"Substitution variables for the dynamic error messages" )]
string MessageArguments[]);
[Description ( "UnpackAndAttach(). This method will extract the drivers
the selected Operating System to a USB device that will be attached
to the server for the specified time interval." ),
ValueMap { "0", "1", "2", "4096"},
Values { "Success", "Not Supported", "Failed", "Job Created"}]
uint32 UnpackAndAttach(
[IN, Description (
"Name of the Operating System to be deployed" )]
string OSName,
[IN, Description (
"duration to expose the drivers" )]
datetime ExposeDuration,