White Papers

12 Version 2.0.1
8 Methods
This section details the requirements for supporting extrinsic methods for the CIM elements defined by
this profile.
No additional details specified.
9 Use Cases
This section contains use cases for the Dell PowerSupply Profile.
Note that URIs in this section are in form of Resource URIs for WinRM
9.1 Discovery of power supply profile support
Use one of the two procedures below to confirm the existence of power supply profile support
A) GET the DCIM_LCRegisteredProfile instance using an InstanceID of
DCIM:PowerSupply:2.0.0. See Section 3.11 for a definition of
Instance URI:
Results for the InstanceID of DCIM:PowerSupply:2.0.0 shown below. If no instance is returned,
the profile is not supported.
AdvertiseTypeDescriptions = WS-Identify, Interop Namespace
AdvertiseTypes = 1, 1
InstanceID = DCIM:PowerSupply:2.0.0
OtherRegisteredOrganization = DCIM
RegisteredName = Power Supply
RegisteredOrganization = 1
RegisteredVersion = 2.0.0
B) ENUMERATE the CIM_RegisteredProfile class. See Section 3.10 for a definition of
Class URI:
Then query the result for the following properties: