White Papers

E) Examine output parameters per Table 2
F) Apply the pending values (Section Error! Reference source not found.) using the FQDD
btained from Section Error! Reference source not found.
G) Allow several minutes for the UEFI to execute the SSIB task, which will be followed by an
automatic reboot of the system
H) Confirm the applicable physical disk is a hotspare by listing the physical disks, per Section
Error! Reference source not found., and checking that the HotSpareStatus attribute is set
o „1‟
9.15 Delete a virtual disk from the system
A) To invoke the DeleteVirtualDisk() method, construct input parameters per Table 12 and use
the particular RAID‟s FQDD from Section Error! Reference source not found.
B) INVOKE DeleteVirtualDisk () method
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C) Examine output parameters per Table 11
D) Apply the pending values (Section Error! Reference source not found.) using the FQDD
btained from Section Error! Reference source not found.
E) Allow several minutes for the UEFI to execute the SSIB task, which will be followed by an
automatic reboot of the system
F) Confirm successful execution of the method by listing the virtual disks, per Section Error!
eference source not found.. The deleted virtual disk should not be displayed
9.16 Delete all virtual disks and unassign all hotspares
A) To invoke the ResetConfig() method, construct input parameters per Table 7 and use the
FQDD from Section Error! Reference source not found.
B) INVOKE ResetConfig() method
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