White Papers

16 Version 1.2.0
7.3 DCIM_iDRACCardString 380
This section describes the implementation for the DCIM_iDRACCardString class. 381
Each DCIM_iDRACCardString instance is logically associated to a DCIM_iDRACCardView instance, 382
where the DCIM_iDRACCardString. FQDD property is equal to the FQDD property on the 383
DCIM_iDRACCardView instance. 384
This class shall be instantiated in the Implementation Namespace: root/dcim. 385
7.3.1 Resource URIs for WinRM
The class Resource URI shall be “http://schemas.dell.com/wbem/wscim/1/cim-387
The key property shall be the InstanceID. 389
The instance Resource URI for DCIM_iDRACCardString instance shall be: 390
ibuteName> 393
7.3.2 Operations 394
The following table lists the implemented operations on DCIM_iDRACCardString. 395
Table 7 – DCIM_iDRACCardString - Operations 396
Operation Name
Required Input
Instance URI
Class URI
See section 8.1
See section 8.2
7.3.3 Class Properties 397
The following table details the implemented properties for DCIM_iDRACCardString instance representing 398
a iDRAC string attribute. The “Requirements” column shall denote whether the property is implemented 399
(for requirement definitions, see section 3). The Additional Requirements” column shall denote either 400
possible values for the property, or requirements on the value formulation. 401