White Papers

58 Version 1.2.0
MessageID (OUT parameter) Message MessageArguments[]
existing Export job is completed or
the job is cancelled.
Cannot create new jobs until the
existing Import System Profile job is
completed or cancelled.
FM002 Feature(s) not available.
A required license is missing or
expired. The following features are
not enabled: <features>
8.3 DCIM_iDRACCardService.CreateTargetedConfigJob() 1155
The CreateTargetedConfigJob() method is used to apply the pending values created by the SetAttribute 1156
and SetAttributes methods. The successful execution of this method creates a job to apply the pending 1157
attribute values. 1158
The CreateTargetedConfigJob() method supports the following optional input parameters: 1159
1. RebootJobType: When provided in the input parameters, creates a specific reboot job to 1160
“PowerCycle”, Graceful Reboot without forced shutdown”, or “Graceful Reboot with forced 1161
shutdown”. This parameter only creates the RebootJob and does not schedule it. 1162
2. ScheduledStartTime: When provided in the input parameters, schedules the “configuration job” 1163
and the optional “reboot job” at the specified start time. A special value of “TIME_NOW” 1164
schedules the job(s) immediately. 1165
3. UntilTime: This parameter has a dependency on “ScheduledStartTime”. The 1166
“ScheduledStartTime” and “UntilTime” define a time window for scheduling the job(s). Once 1167
scheduled, jobs are executed within the time window. 1168
If CreateTargetedConfigJob() method is executed without the three optional parameters discussed above, 1169
then the configuration job is created but not scheduled. However, this configuration job can be scheduled 1170
later using the DCIM_JobService.SetupJobQueue() method from the “Job Control Profile”. 1171
DCIM_JobService.SetupJobQueue () can be executed to schedule several configuration jobs including 1172
the reboot job. See the “Job Control Profile” for more details. 1173
Return code values for the CreateTargetedConfigJob() method are specified in Table 88, and parameters 1174
are specified in Table 89. 1175
Subsequent calls to CreateTargetedConfigJob after the first CreateTargetedConfigJob results in error 1176
until the first job is completed. 1177
Table 88 – CreateTargetedConfigJob() Method: Return Code Values 1178
Value Description
2 Failed
4096 Job Created
Table 89 – CreateTargetedConfigJob() Method: Parameters 1179
Qualifiers Name Type Description/Values
IN, REQ Target String FQDD of the iDRAC Card