White Papers

68 Version 1.2.0
MessageID (OUT parameter) Message MessageArguments[]
RAC037 Attribute dependency failed
RAC038 The command failed
RAC039 Invalid parameter value for %s
AttributeName, AttributeValue,
RAC040 Missing parameter(s) %s
AttributeName, AttributeValue,
Maximum job limit reached, cannot
create new jobs
Backup job is running, cannot create
new jobs until the existing backup job
is completed or is cancelled.
Restore job is running, cannot create
new jobs until the existing restore job
is completed or is cancelled.
8.6 DCIM_iDRACCardService.SendTestEmailAlert() 1207
This method is used to to send a test email alert for a particular attribute. 1208
Return code values for the SendTestEmailAlert()method are specified in Table 97, and parameters are 1209
specified in Table 98. 1210
Table 97SendTestEmailAlert() Method: Return Code Values 1211
Value Description
0 Completed with No Error
2 Failed
Table 98SendTestEmailAlert () Method: Parameters 1212
Qualifiers Name Type Description/Values
IN, REQ InstanceID String
The property shall have the value of the
InstanceID property of the attribute for which the
test email alert is generated.
OUT MessageID String
Error Message ID may be used to look-up in the
Dell Message registry files. For more information,
see Error Message Registry.
OUT Message String Error Message in English
OUT MessageArguments[] String Substitution variables for dynamic error message.
Table 99SendTestEmailAlert () Method: Standard Messages 1213
MessageID (OUT parameter) Message MessageArguments[]
RAC001 The command was successful
RAC002 General failure
Missing required parameter
AttributeName, AttributeValue,
Invalid parameter value for
AttributeName, AttributeValue,
Mismatch in AttributeName and