White Papers

16 Version 1.2.0
Table 3 – DCIM_JobService – Operations 365
Required Input
Instance URI
Class URI
Instance URI
7.1.3 Class Properties
Table 4 – Class: DCIM_JobService 368
Properties Type Requirement Additional Requirments
SystemCreationClassName String Mandatory Key: Value shall be “DCIM_ComputerSystem”
SystemName String Mandatory Key: Value shall be Idrac
CreationClassName String Mandatory Key: Value shall be “DCIM_JobService”
Name String Mandatory Key: Value shall be “JobService”
ElementName String Mandatory Value shall be “Job Service
CurrentNumberOfJobs uint16 Mandatory
The property shall represent the current
number of jobs in the job store.
MaximumNumberOfJobs uint16 Mandatory
The property shall represent the maximum
number of jobs that the job store supports.
DeleteOnCompletionTimeout uint16 Mandatory
The property shall represent the timeout
period in minutes for completed jobs to qualify
for auto deletion. If the time taken to complete
a job is more than the
DeleteOnCompletionTimeout, the job shall be
deleted during the auto-delete.
StartAutoDeleteAtThreshold uint16 Mandatory
The property shall represent the percentage of
the MaximumNumberOfJobs which, when
reached, shall cause all jobs that have taken
more time than the
DeleteOnCompletetionTimeout to be deleted.
7.2 DCIM_LifecycleJob 369
7.2.1 Resource URIs for WinRM
The class Resource URI shall be “http://schemas.dell.com/wbem/wscim/1/cim-371
The key property shall be the InstanceID. 373
The instance Resource URI for DCIM_LifecycleJob instance shall be: 374
schema/2/DCIM_LifecycleJob?__cimnamespace=root/dcim+InstanceID=<InstanceID>” 376
7.2.2 Operations
The following table details the implemented operations on DCIM_LifecycleJob. 378
Table 5 – DCIM_LifecycleJob - Operations 379
Required Input