White Papers

8 Version 1.0.0
Web-Based Enterprise Management
5 Synopsis
Profile Name: Persistent Storage
Version: 1.0.0
Organization: Dell Inc.
CIM Schema Version: 2.26 Experimental
Central Class: DCIM_PersistentStorageService
Scoping Class: CIM_ComputerSystem
The Persistent Storage Profile extends the management capability of the referencing profiles by adding
the capability to represent and manage the partitions on the virtual flash media of Dell platforms. The
Scoping Instance shall be the instance of CIM_System with which the Central Instance of
DCIM_PersistentStorageService is associated through CIM_HostedService.
Table 1 identifies profiles that are related to this profile.
Table 1 – Related Profiles
Profile Name Organization Version Relationship
Profile Registration DCIM 1.0 Reference
BIOS and Boot Management
DCIM 1.0 Reference
6 Description
The Persistent Storage Profile describes the necessary properties and methods for representing and
managing the partitions on the virtual flash media(SD Card on AMEA) provided by the iDRAC in Dell
The partition management of the virtual flash media includes:
Listing virtual flash partitions
Creating new partitions
Deleting existing partitions
Formatting a partition
Exposing the partition in the host OS
Detaching an attached partition
Uploading an image to a partition
Booting to a partitionsee BIOS and Boot Management Profile
Modifying a partition
Exporting the contents of the partition