Administrator Guide

22 Python Scripting for Dell Networking N-Series | Version 1.0.1
A Supported Python modules
Table 1 shows the complete list of Python version 2.7 modules included with Dell N-Series switches. Each
module is defined in the Python Standard Library.
Python modules supported with Dell N-Series switches
BaseHTTPServer audioop io rfc822
Bastion base64 itertools rlcompleter
CGIHTTPServer bdb json robotparser
ConfigParser binascii keyword runpy
Cookie binhex libopenclt sched
DocXMLRPCServer bisect libospf select
HTMLParser bsddb libpam sets
MimeWriter cPickle libping sgmllib
OpEN cProfile libproc_libs sha
OpENUtil cStringIO librpcclt shelve
OpEN_py calendar libsock_agent shlex
Queue cgi libsshcompat shutil
SimpleHTTPServer cgitb libsshpam signal
SimpleXMLRPCServer chunk libtraceroute site
SocketServer cmath libvr_agent smtpd
StringIO cmd libvrf_init smtplib
UserDict code libz sndhdr
UserList codecs linecache socket
UserString codeop locale spwd
_LWPCookieJar collections logging sre
_MozillaCookieJar colorsys macpath sre_compile
_OpEN commands macurl2path sre_constants
__builtin__ compileall mailbox sre_parse
__future__ compiler mailcap ssl
_abcoll contextlib markupbase stat
_ast cookielib marshal statvfs
_bisect copy math string
_codecs copy_reg md5 stringold
_codecs_cn crypt mhlib stringprep
_codecs_hk csv mimetools strop
_codecs_iso2022 curses mimetypes struct
_codecs_jp datetime mimify subprocess
_codecs_kr dbhash mmap sunau
_codecs_tw decimal modulefinder sunaudio
_collections difflib multifile symbol
_csv dircache multiprocessing symtable
_ctypes dis mutex sys
_ctypes_test distutils netrc sysconfig