White Papers

Version 1.0.0 5
1 Scope 140
The Dell Role Based Authorization Profile describes the properties and interfaces for executing system 141
management tasks related to the authorization. The profile standardizes and aggregates the description 142
for the platform’s basic properties into a system view representation and provides static methodology for 143
the clients to query the system views without substantial traversal of the model. 144
2 Normative References 145
Refer to the following documents for more information. 146
NOTE: For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of 147
the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. 148
DMTF DSP1039, Role Based Authorization Profile 1.0.0 149
DMTF DSP1033, Profile Registration Profile 1.0.0 150
DMTF DSP0226, Web Services for Management (WS-Management) Specification 1.1.0 151
DMTF DSP0227, WS-Management CIM Binding Specification 1.0.0 152
Dell Lifecycle Controller Best Practices Guide 1.0, 153
http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/extras/m/white_papers/20066173.aspx 154
Dell WSMAN Licenses and Privileges 1.0 155
Dell Tech Center MOF Library: 156
http://www.delltechcenter.com/page/DCIM.Library.MOF 157
Related Managed Object Format (MOF) files: 158
o DCIM_LocalRolePrivilege.mof 159
o DCIM_CLPPrivilege.mof 160
o DCIM_Role.mof 161
o DCIM_IPMIRole.mof 162
o DCIM_IPMISOLRole.mof 163
o DCIM_CLPRole.mof 164
o DCIM_LocalRoleBasedAuthorizationService.mof 165
o DCIM_IPMIRoleBasedAuthorizationService.mof 166
o DCIM_CLPRoleBasedAuthorizationService.mof 167
o DCIM_LocalRoleBasedManagementCapabilities.mof 168
o DCIM_IPMIRoleBasedManagementCapabilities.mof 169
o DCIM_CLPRoleBasedManagementCapabilities.mof 170
o DCIM_LocalRBAElementCapabilities.mof 171
o DCIM_IPMIRBAElementCapabilities.mof 172
o DCIM_CLPRBAElementCapabilities.mof 173
o DCIM_LocalPrivilegeMemberOfCollection.mof 174
o DCIM_IPMIRBAIdentityMemberOfCollection.mof 175
o DCIM_IPMISOLRBAIdentityMemberOfCollection.mof 176
o DCIM_CLPRBAIdentityMemberOfCollection.mof 177
o DCIM_CLPPrivilegeMemberOfCollection.mof 178
o DCIM_RBAOwningCollectionElement.mof 179
o DCIM_LocalRoleConcreteDependency.mof 180
o DCIM_IPMIRBAServiceAffectsElementRole.mof 181
o DCIM_LocalRBAServiceAffectsElementRole.mof 182
o DCIM_CLPRBAServiceAffectsElementRole.mof 183
o DCIM_LocalServiceServiceDependency.mof 184