White Papers

Job status
To check the status of a job, use the following command:
racadm jobqueue view i JID_936055340165
[Job ID=JID_936055340165]
Job Name=SupportAssist Registration
Start Time=[Not Applicable]
Expiration Time=[Not Applicable]
Message=[SRV088: The SupportAssist Registration Operation is completed successfully.]
Percent Complete=[100]
racadm supportassist autocollectscheduler create
Note: After successful registration, by default, automatic collection is scheduled monthly on the 1st Sunday between 12 a.m. and
5 p.m.
After registering SupportAssist, use the supportassist autocollectscheduler create command to update the SupportAssist auto
collections schedule.
You can specify the automatic collection schedule to weekly, monthly, or quarterly.
Valid Options:
-time: <time> : Time to schedule a SupportAssist collection in HH:MM 12 hour format.
-dom: <DayOfMonth> : Day of Month to schedule a SupportAssist collection.
Valid values are 1-28, L(Last day) or '*' (default - any day).
if -dom option is included in the command, then -wom and -dow options should not be included.
-wom: <WeekOfMonth> : Week of Month to schedule a SupportAssist collection.
Valid values are 1-4, L(Last week) or '*' (default - any week).
if -wom option is included in the command, then only -dow option should be included. -dom should not be included.
-dow: <DayofWeek> : Day of Week to schedule a SupportAssist collection. Valid values sunday, monday,...saturday '*' (default -
any day).
-rp: <repeat> : Repeat parameter, weekly or monthly or quarterly
: weekly is allowed only with dow parameter
: Monthly/quarterly is allowed either dom or dow, wom together
Usage Examples:
To schedule the automatic collection on Sunday:
racadm supportassist autocollectscheduler create -time 4:05am -dow sunday -rp weekly
To schedule the automatic collection on the 27th day of every month:
racadm supportassist autocollectscheduler create -time 4:55pm -dom 27 -rp monthly
To schedule the automatic collection on Monday of the 2nd week of month, every quarter:
racadm supportassist autocollectscheduler create -time 3:55am -wom 2 -dow monday -rp quarterly
SRV088: The SupportAssist operation is successfully completed.